Skydiving from a Cessna Grand Caravan Supervan is an exhilarating experience that combines the thrill of skydiving with the unique characteristics of the aircraft itself. The Cessna Grand Caravan Supervan is a modified version of the Cessna Grand Caravan, specifically designed for skydiving operations. It is a popular choice for dropzone operators due to its capacity, performance, and versatility.

Here’s what the experience of skydiving from a Cessna Grand Caravan Supervan is like:

Aircraft Overview

The Cessna Grand Caravan Supervan is a single-engine turboprop aircraft known for its reliability and ability to carry a relatively large number of skydivers. It typically features a reinforced floor, larger side door, and seating arrangements that cater to skydiving operations.


As a skydiver, you would arrive at our dropzone, which is the location where skydiving operations are conducted. After signing waivers and receiving a safety briefing, you’d be assigned to a specific load or group of skydivers. You’d then board our aircraft along with your fellow jumpers and any tandem instructors or videographers.


Once everyone is on board and secured, the aircraft would taxi to the runway and take off. The climb to the desired altitude for the jump would begin. The Cessna Grand Caravan Supervan has a relatively quick climb rate, allowing it to reach jump altitude in a shorter time compared to some other aircraft.


During the ascent, you and the other skydivers would be preparing for the jump. This includes putting on your skydiving gear, checking your harness.

Door Opening

As the aircraft reaches the designated jump altitude, our pilot will open the large side door of the Supervan. This is where the unique experience of jumping from this aircraft comes into play. The open door provides a fantastic view of the surrounding landscape.


Depending on your jump style (solo, tandem, etc.), you’d approach the open door, take a deep breath, and launch yourself out into the sky. The rush of wind and the feeling of freefall would be intense and exhilarating.


During the freefall phase, you’d experience the sensation of falling through the air at high speed. Enjoy the adrenaline rush, and take in the breathtaking views from above.

Canopy Deployment

At a certain altitude, your tandem instructor would deploy the parachute. The sudden deceleration would be noticeable as the parachute opens, and you transition from freefall to a controlled descent under the canopy.

Parachute Descent

Under the canopy enjoy a more leisurely descent. You can take in the panoramic views, feel the wind.


As you approach the ground, you’d follow instructions from our ground crew to make a safe and controlled landing.

Skydiving from a Cessna Grand Caravan Supervan offers a unique blend of excitement, adrenaline, and breathtaking visuals. It’s an experience that’s cherished by thrill-seekers and skydiving enthusiasts around the world.